
Homestay In Nanjing


你想让你的中国之旅更加丰富多彩吗?还没有考虑过和传统的中国家庭一起度过在中国的时间吗?有没有考虑过由Cool Star Consulting 提供的Homestay 计划?有太多的理由要选择这个!

Do you want to have a fantastic experience in China? Have you ever thought about living with a  Chinese family during your stay? How about a Homestay plan provided by Nanjing Cool Star Consulting? Here are plenty of reasons why you should try it J

  1. 让你在中国的生活成本大大降低!因为你将会得到一个长期稳定舒适的免费的房间和家具,不用担心水电费用,不需要经常搬家,在家里你可以享受免费的WiFi等等。

Lower your living cost in China! Because you will have a cozy free and long-term stable room with good furniture, no need to worry about water and electricity or other rent cost, don't have to move a lot...  And WIFI is free!

  1. 有机会经常享受中国美食!如果你愿意,你也可以和中国家庭一起做饭分享你家乡的美食。

Good chance to enjoy Chinese food constantly! You can also cook and share your hometwon’s delicious food with Chinese family if you like.  

  1. 更好地了解中国文化!通过和受过高等教育的中国家庭日常相处,一起度过中国传统节日,不仅能学习到中国人的文化,还能够在日常生活中学到一口地道的中文,这些比在课堂上学到的更加实用。

Better way to understand Chinese culture! Getting along with highly educated Chinese family, join them during traditional holidays. These will help you know better about Chinese culture and learn well Chinese from daily life. This experience will benefit you more than what you learn from classes.

  1. 找到你在中国最好的帮手以及好朋友!一般作为host family 的家庭都是受过高等教育的,家庭条件很不错的,很有国际化视野的家庭,他们能在很多方面成为你在中国最好的助手。经过几年的相处,你会成为他们家庭的一员,所以你们甚至会相互成为一辈子的可靠的朋友。

Find good friends and partners in China! Our host families are highly educated with superior conditions and international perspective normally. They could provide great help in many ways. After years together, you would become a member of their family and even lifelong friend!

  1. Nanjing Cool Star会对服务有保障。Nanjing Cool Star Consulting 是南京最大的外国人服务中心,也是南京第一家推出Homestay服务的公司。我们的服务期是至少半年,在服务期内如果有问题可以和我们协调,甚至换中国家庭。

Nanjing Cool Star guarantees the quality of service. Cool Star Consulting is the largest service provider for foreigners in Nanjing, and the first agency which provide Homestay service in Nanjing. Our service term is 6 months minimum, We offer to negotiate and solve any issues during our service, including switch your host family if necessary.

获得这些好处的条件是:你只需要每个星期花费几个小时左右的时间去和他们一起相处,教教英文或者你的母语,有空和他们一起做做家务,聊聊天,做一些力所能及的事情。付出越多,收获越多。当然,还需要付给Cool Star一些服务费用,这些费用比起你所付的大学宿舍费用或者在外面租房要便宜多啦!

如果你对Cool Star Consulting Homestay计划感兴趣,想要赶快加入进来,请把你的自我介绍,简历, 照片和能接受的住宿地点告诉我们,我们会联系你的,谢谢!

To get these privileges, all you need to do: spend several hours with the family, teach them English or your native language, do some housework if you can, chatting when you are available. The more you contribute, the more you gain. Also, Cool Star will charge you some service fee, which is much lower than the rent for university dormitory or any apartments in the downtown!

Interested in Homestay project? Register now! Send your CV with self-introduction, photos and your expected living place to us, we will contact you in time. Thanks a lot!
Make a different life in China! 

Contact person: 
Winnie Xu   
Mobile: +86-186-0255-3755 (also Wechat account)
Phone: 025-6609-5402          

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